So, today I decided to enter the world of couponing... at least I have ambitions to do that. =) This week at Harris Teeter- it is triple coupon week! I am going to try it out on Saturday! I have never done this before. Any suggestions from fellow couponers? :) (Natalie??) I clipped my coupons today and am all ready to go on my first coupon expedition. Wish me luck!!
On another note, did you know that Michael's has a FREE Mother's Day card-making event? On Saturday, May 8 from 10am to Noon AND right after the card making even, there is a FREE Mother's Day Wilton Cookie event. I might go to these. Anybody care to join? Let me know!
I made a post about coupons! Call me and we can talk! You def should be strategical. love you!